Case Study: HRM Homecare Training Manager, Julie talks about her career in Social Care.
Julie Burns Case Study, Training Manager for HRM Homecare
I have worked in social care since 2008 and have been employed by HRM Homecare Services throughout that time.
When I joined HRM in December 2008, I was employed as Staff Development Officer with responsibility for training our workforce in all things relating to their roles as Support Workers, Coordinators etc.
I have always enjoyed being hands on and getting out in the Community to stay up to date and in touch with Care Practice and Standards and pride myself in the knowledge that I ‘teach’ from experience as well as theory.
I have had various opportunities to develop myself during my time with the Company and have undertaken a number of courses and qualifications and also took time out during 2015 to 2018 to learn all things Childcare and return to the company with this other aspect of social care knowledge under my belt. And not only that, but to a promoted role as Training Manager.
My role and remit now is broader and more all-encompassing of the Learning and Education of our workforce, which has been a new challenge indeed over the past 18 months during COVID 19, but I am proud to say we have embraced change, technology and with the usual heart and passion of this amazingly committed workforce continued to work and provide care to our Service Users and their families. I am very proud to be part of this team.
I would say to anyone out there who may be considering a career in Social Care, DO IT.
We are a growth sector where opportunity for development, career progression is second to none. HRM Homecare Services is a forward thinking, leader in the field – join us and we will ensure you have the development, guidance and support you need to make this not you’re your job – but your Career!